Nothando Migogo


Nothando Migogo is an Intellectual Property practitioner in the arts broadly, and music specifically, specialising in royalty management and licensing arrangements. She has a special interest in the management of African intellectual property (indigenous knowledge) and the digital market place. She previously served as the Managing Director of DALRO, a SAMRO subsidiary that administers literary, artistic and dramatic rights. A lawyer by training, Migogo has previously worked in educational publishing and as a tax consultant, and during her DALRO stint was named by the Mail & Guardian as one of its Top 200 Young South Africans to watch.

Before being appointed as the SAMRO Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in July 2017, Migogo was the CEO of CAPASSO for more than three years. She led that organisation, together with a dynamic team, to triple digit revenue growth and crucial licensing breakthroughs. Importantly, CAPASSO initiated two key strategies: first, the integration of rights holders (composers and publishers) in the field of Mechanical Rights administration following years of fragmented administration and secondly, the licensing of digital music platforms in South Africa.

She also serves on the board of the SAMRO Foundation.

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