Community Guidelines
These guidelines govern our relationship with users and others who interact with Music in Africa ( - hereinafter “the Portal”). By using or accessing Music in Africa, you agree to these guidelines, as updated from time to time.
Respect the views of others
Because we are a community-driven portal you will find a lot of different opinions and views. We encourage all our users to be tolerant and respect people whose ideas are different to their own. Of course, if you feel that someone is expressing views or opinions that are offensive, defamatory, abusive, or otherwise contrary to our Terms of Use, you can let us know by sending an email or by using the flagging tools provided to let us know about it.
Keep your political views to yourself
We will remove any content if we feel that it is politically oriented.
Hate Speech
Music In Africa does not permit hate speech. We do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition.
Nudity and Pornography
We strictly do not allow sharing of pornographic content and any explicitly sexual content where a minor is involved.
Identity and Privacy
On Music In Africa people register using their real names and identities. We ask that you refrain from publishing the personal information of others without their consent. Claiming to be another person, creating a false presence for an organization, or creating multiple accounts violates Music In Africa's terms.
Intellectual Property
Before sharing content on Music In Africa, please be sure you have the right to do so. We ask that you respect copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property legal rights.
Phishing and Spam
We also ask that you respect our members by not contacting them for commercial purposes without their consent.
We take the safety of our members seriously and work to prevent attempts to compromise their privacy or security, including those that use fraud or deception.