WATCH | How to build a marimba – part 1 of 4
In 2016, the Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) invited participant from across the African continent to take part in a series of Instrument Building and Repair Workshops. The intensive weeklong training sessions armed the participants with skills on how to build from scratch a number of musical instruments, namely the marimba, dulcimer and umakhweyana.
- Marimba expert Christian Carver (right) shows a trainee how to make marimba during Music In Africa's Instrument Building and Repair Workshop in 2016.
By filming the sessions, the MIAF has ensured that the knowledge shared by the workshop facilitators and trainers is never lost, with both aspiring and already established instrument makers now given the opportunity to learn the secrets of building their own instruments from the comfort of their screens.
In How to Make a Marimba part 1 of 4, workshop trainer and marimba expert Christian Carver looks at how to create the wooden frame of the African xylophone.
Watch the video below:
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