Senegalese National Archives


The Archives of Senegal are housed along with the Archives de l'Afrique Occideental Française in the Administrative Building on the Avenue Senghor near the intersection with the Republic of Boulevard, diagonally across from the Presidential Palace. The Archives and reading room are located in the curved extension at the north end of the building in Dakar.

The archives feature a collection of Senegalese music, instruments and many other documents which explain the history of the country.

The collection of the Archives of Sénégal began in 1816 with the restoration of Gorée to the French throne after the Napoleonic Wars (documents concerning earlier material from West Africa are kept in the French National Archvies). It contains the Archives du Gorée, the Archives du Sénégal (beginning in 1850), and the Archives de l'AOF (founded 1895). It also contains a library of secondary and periodical sources on Senegalese and French colonial history.

Access to the Archives can be arranged upon arrival, but access to the building is by pass only, so it is a necessary to contact the Directeur des Archives in advance, or else find someone to escort you into the building. The reading room is open from 9h00-18h00 Monday-Friday except Wednesday (15h00- 18h00) and Saturday (9h00-12h00). It contains tables and chairs for twenty-five readers, plus microfilm readers and open access to catalog indexes. All access to documents is through the President de la Salle de Lecteur who receives requests in writing (on cards provided by the Archives). Photocopy and microfilm facilities are available.

SNDakar, Senegal


Senegalese National Archives
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 29 Oct 2015