Luc Mayitoukou
Luc Mayitoukou is an artistic director, born in 1965, in Brazzaville (Congo). He lives in Dakar, Senegal.
Luc was trained in artistic contracts drafting in France and in cultural management, in Montreal (Canada) in 2004.
Luc is involved in various cultural organisations. He is the founder and director of Zhu Culture and chairman of the board of Art Moves Africa (AMA). He is also the general secretary of ADAFEST (the Association of Broadcasters in Senegal), a representative and member of the Comité Artistic International (CAI) and MASA.
Luc is also a member of the selection committee for the Atlantic Music Expo in Praia (Cape Verde) and general manager of Yaakar Festival in Dakar.

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Luc Mayitoukou
Profile added by Jean de Dieu BOUKANGA on 11 Oct 2017
