Ekundayo Dbass


Ekundayo Dbass is a an international musician from Osun State Nigeria, who has carved a niche for himself in the Nigeria music scene.
He meticulously blends several genres to create a gripping fusion that clearly mirrows down the genuineness of his natural talent and the quality of his formal learning.
Ekundayo Dbass embraces African artistic heritage and European creative know how in his commitment to exciting the world with his original flavors from a deep well of skill and competence.
His music is a blend of FRICAN JAZZ, Afro hop-pop and funk/pop, built on highly rhythmic Yoruba sounds.
Some of his earlier songs are instrumentals with improvisations and sparse vocals. His new and upcoming songs are highly interactive and predominantly in Yoruba, and English lyrics. Ekundayo Dbass has performed as side-man and worked with local and international acts such as Lara George, performed at the journey of drums in State theatre in Pretoria South Africa, performed at Bass Connect Ghana in 2019, Also played with Gally Ngovoni in SA. just to name a few.
Ekundayo Dbass is the yearly host of TATA live in concert. Editions TATA 1.0, TATA 2.0 & TATA 3.0
He attended the Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife Osun State, Nigeria where he backed both BA in Music performance and Diploma in Music.
Videos: https://youtube.com/@Ekundayodbass (Ekundayo Dbass)
Connect with me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=6pwjeoadu459&utm_content=bya
7hi (@ekundayodbass)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ekundayodbass (Ekundayo Dbass)


New music by Ekundayo Dbass titled “RUN” it’s available on digital platforms including the visual on YouTube..

Performing opportunity: Hello out there, my name is Ekundayo Dbass am open and available for concerts and tours..

NGLagos, Nigeria
In operation since: 


Babatunde D. Michael

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