Blackmotion Production


Blackmotion Production is a full-service lighting company that specialises solely in providing entertainment lighting systems. They guarantee only the best lighting technical system in South Africa because they are small enough to care and large enough to service. The company was started in 2005 by Kagiso Daystar Moima. Today, Blackmotion Production is a thriving organisation, providing the best in lighting and audio-visual services.

With a dedicated team that works together in providing quality service and putting the client’s needs first, Blackmotion Production can only grow to reach greater heights. Blackmotion Production believes in black empowerment with a 100% experienced and dedicated staff that is determined to render only the best services for all their clients.

ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
In operation since: 


Kagiso Moima
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 10 Jun 2014