Call for applications: Kolatier Music Market Yaoundé
The 9th edition of the Le Kolatier Africa Music Market will be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon from 11 — 14 October 2017 and organisers are looking for performers for the showcases.
- Teriba music group at a previous Kolatier event. Photo: Culturebene
Le Kolatier is a platform for meetings and exchanges between actors in the music industry. It provides an opportunity for emerging African music groups.
The event is attended by music professionals from several continents and seeks to develop the African music scene.
Conditions for participating groups:
- Must live on the continent and not yet have international visibility
- Must have at least one album recorded in professional conditions
- Must present original work.
- Must be able to present a video of a show performed in professional conditions
Organisers of the event are expecting professionals from several continents.
NB: Being able to support international transport is a major asset for candidates. Le Kolatier does not pay fees, but will support the stay of the group during the period of the market (hotel and meals), and offer accreditation to participate in all activities.
The deadline for submitting applications is 30 April 2017. Groups selected by the International Committee will be notified by 30 June 2017.
To send an application, see the online form here. For more information about this call, please email lekolatier@yahoo.fr or call +237 671 154 274
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