Straight Outta Kimberley Records
Straight Outta Kimberley Records is a record label based in Kimberley, South Africa. It is a label imprint which is Inspired and driven by Kimberley Local Talent. Label imprint of #BeatsByDreIt also focuses on digital distribution, promoting music, advertising, event management, booking tours and many other things.

In operation since:
Record LabelsMusic promotersBusiness managersStudio recording engineersAdvertising agenciesMusic retailers (CDs/LPs/cassettes)Live sound engineersLegal ExpertsPublishersRecording StudiosArtist managersDigital distributorsManagersAudio EngineersPost-recording engineers (mixing and mastering)Copyright specialistsTour managersBooking agentsEvent organizersVideo Producers
+2776 614 1191
+2776 614 1191
TL Ntsiki