Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK)


The Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK) was established in 1971 when the founders of the Society felt the need to establish the professional body to guide and bring together PR practitioners in Kenya. PRSK was formed by constitution and is a registered Society.

The Society' s broad objective is to advance excellence in Public Relations in Kenya and to ensure that the practice continues to thrive within the ethical framework defined by the profession.

To keep abreast with the global dynamics of the profession and to create networking opportunities for the practitioner, PRSK affiliates to regional, continental, and global PR bodies. Within the East African region, PRSK is a member of the East African Public Relations Association (EAPRA). PRSK is a member of the Federation of Africa Public Relations Association (FAPRA), the continental body for all PR national associations in Africa. At the global level, PRSK is a founder member of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communications Management (GA). Also, members subscribe to the International Public Relations Association (IPRA), thus forming the Kenya IPRA chapter.

In order that the highest degree of respect for the profession is maintained, members adhere to a code of ethics. The PRSK Code of Professional Conduct is based on the code of Athens, which was authored by Lucien Matrat, member emeritus (France) of IPRA. The code of Athens was adopted by the IPRA general assembly in Athens on 12th May 1965, and modified in Teheran on 17th April 1968. IPRA later gained observer status at the United Nations. Its code of Ethics was founded on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

PRSK adopted the Global Alliance Universal Protocol, which aims in achieving a unified profession and industry worldwide.


KENairobi, Kenya


The Reception
Profile added by Stanley Gazemba on 03 Jun 2014