Ondunga Cultural Group


Formed in 1997, Ondunga Cultural Group is dancing group comprising of 12 members. Their dances represent their ethnic diversity such as dances by women, thanksgiving dance, rain dance, healing ritual dance, dance depicting Bushmen hunting animals.

In 2011, they won the Most Popular Group Award at the 6th Sabah International Folklore Festival that took place in Borneo, Malaysia. This was the first time that Namibia had participated in this festival, which saw 19 countries from around the world participating, with Egypt and Namibia representing Africa.

In 2013, the group won a Pan African Dance Festival (FESPAD) award in the Best Vocal and Dance Group category. The eighth edition of the festival, aimed at showcasing different cultures through singing and dancing, was hosted in Rwanda, where 11 African countries participated.

NAWindhoek, Namibia


Ondunga Cultural Group
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 20 May 2015