Kule Stevie


Kule Stevie (born Kakule steven Nicholas on 28 July 1993) is a RnB and pop artist from Uganda.

Stevie is also the founder of the Kreators Booth music label and is closely affiliated with Sifa House Music. He started doing music in 2011 and first recorded in studio in 2017. Highly regarded by many as a break out star, Kule is praised for his versatility and creative fusion of Luganda language with a highly urban sound creating a cocktail of music like never heard before.

Stevie has worked with the Milege Acoustic Project and he was one of the opening acts at Milege World Music Festival in 2017. He has also performed at other platforms like Sofar Sounds Kampala.


UGKampala, Uganda
In operation since: 


Steven Kakule

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