Josiah Holo


Jos (born Josiah Holo) is a passionate music enthusiast, educator, and live sound engineer based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Over the years, Josiah has been an active audio freelancer. He has been into active employment as a lead sound engineer in a megachurch in Nairobi for four years up to April 2019. During and after this period he has kept practicing the art of live sound in prominent events in Nairobi such as Koroga Festival, Don Moen Live in Concert, Totally Sold Out Concert, Recharge Concert, UEFA Champions League Final viewing courtesy of Heineken, The Asian Weekly Awards(TAWAA) among other notable events.

Jos has specialised in setting up for performances, mixing for backline and Front of House, AV installations, pro-sound training, general maintenance as well as offering technical support when the opportunity arises. Josiah believes that through the years he's been able to diligently pursue what he loves doing.

Jos doesn't only see himself as a renowned sound engineer, but he also hopes to create an impact in the sound production industry in events and countries across Africa. From organizing audio masterclasses for practicing techs to creating platforms where people can learn, interact, and get the knowledge on solving complex audio issues in their respective areas of work. He also wants to help people figure out where the audio industry is heading as well as write articles relating to sound production. He wants to be a mentor and be in a position to create an audio resource center for fellow techs and audio enthusiasts. Josiah is passionate about his role in the creative entertainment industry and has his life cut out for greater heights as far as Live Sound and Events in Kenya are concerned. One of Josiah's biggest achievement has been starting an initiative dedicated to training upcoming sound techs. He has trained 10’s of young people thus far and he's proud of the work they continue to put in their different areas of work.

KENairobi, Kenya
In operation since: 


Josiah Holo

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