Southern African Music Rights Organisation (SAMRO)


SAMRO was established in 1961 with the objective to protect the intellectual property of composers and authors, as well as to ensure that composers' and authors' talents are adequately credited both locally and internationally for music usage. The organisation is the primary representative of music performing rights in Southern Africa, while also representing mechanical rights.

SAMRO plays a vital role in the administration of works, distribution of royalties and promotes copyright law of composers and authors works, through the collection of license fees from television broadcasters, radio stations, in-store radio stations, pubs, clubs, retailers, restaurants and all other businesses who broadcast music. SAMRO now also administers Needletime Rights: musicians now have the right to receive payment for the exploitation of their recorded performances, thanks to “needletime”.


ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
In operation since: 


SAMRO Office
Profile added by Katrin Beck on 04 Jun 2014