BCUC at London Remixed Virtual Festival 2021

South African group BCUC will be part of the London Remixed Virtual Festival 2021 on 26 and 27 March. The line-up includes Dengue Dengue DenguePantherPantherNGAIOFRENTE CUMBIEROLa Perla Bogotá and El Leopardo, among others. 

London Remixed Festival returns with a global remix special, supported by Arts Council England, highlighting the sounds of remixed culture, with a wealth of artists and partners from around the world.

Produced by Continental Drifts and Global Local most years, London Remixed is a showcase of the booming UK scene, but this year’s groundbreaking 2021 festival will embrace the digital arena, joining hands with friends across the continents to create a unique music festival moment as it unites music from countries and genres around the world, showing a tiny portion of our remixed planet.

Find out more about the event here.