

Umutomboko is an event in Zambia when the Lunda and Luba people come together every year in July to celebrate their coming to Zambia from the Congo. Legend says that Chief Mwata Yamva ordered his people to build a tower that would reach the sky in order to bring him the sun and moon. The tower fell during construction attempts and many people were killed in the process. This caused many families to run away in fear. They then traveled across the river and conquered all tribes they came across. Each time they overtook a tribe, they celebrated a ritual called Umutomboko.

Today, the event is a two-day celebration that boasts a ritual performance with pounding drums and speeches. Beer and food are brought to the chief who then pays homage to his ancestors before being carried back to the palace. On the second day, a Mutomboko dance is led after a goat slaughtering. The chief then points his sword in all directions to show that no one in any direction can conquer him.



Umutomboko Festival
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 04 Feb 2016