Evi-Edna Ogoli


She was born on July 6 1965 in Isoko, Delta State. The daughter of a Reverend, she started her career as many have done, in a Church Choir.

After her secondary school education, she migrated to Lagos, seeking a breakthrough in her musical career. She met Artiste-Manager/Producer, Emma Ogosi, who assisted her in obtaining a record contract with EMI Records.

Her first album, "My kind of music" released in 1987, went Platinum. This was repeated with the next two albums "On the move" and "Happy birthday". She toured extensively around West Africa, where she had a huge fan-base. She moved to France in the 90's and has remained there since then.

NGLagos, Nigeria
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Evi-Edna Ogholi
Profile added by Ed Keazor on 07 Aug 2014