
Ethiogrio delivers accurate and impartial news designed to inform the public debate and enable Ethiopians to make educated choices. They offer journalism that is professional, credible, reliable , trustworthy, dependable and totally transparent.

They aim to be a listening media organization that deals with and reflects the issues that most concern those they serve. They want to help Ethiopians to talk to each other without fear or favour and, through robust engagement, help ensure a tolerance society by encouraging the celebration of Ethiopian diversity.

Their online sites are there to offer a canvas for Ethiopians to showcase their best ideas to help transform the country into a knowledge-based society where citizens are free to express their creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurship.

The site features Ethiopian music videos, movies and entertainment news, among other content.

ETAddis Ababa, Ethiopia


Ethiogrio .com
Profile added by Stanley Gazemba on 08 Sep 2015