

Chimurenga, a pan African publication of writing, art and politics has been in print since March 2002. It was founded by Ntone Edjabe. The journal is published irregularly in print, online and through themed performances called 'Chimurenga Sessions'. The current print edition is the Chimurenga Chronic – a one-time only edition of Chimurenga in the form of a speculative newspaper set in May 2008.

Other Chimurenga projects include the Chronic – a quarterly pan-African gazette; Chimurenga Library – an online archive of pan African, independent periodicals; Pan African Space Station (PASS) – a cyber-spatial exploration of pan-African sounds from ancient techno to future roots; African Cities Reader – a biennial publication of urban life, Africa-style; the Power Money Sex (PMS) Reader, an online research space exploring the interwoven relationship between power, money and sex; and Pilgrimages - 14 African writers visit 14 African cities to explore the complexities of our disparate urban landscapes. It represents a flowering of organic schools of thought grown in backyard gardens, tilled and fertilised by the fundamentals of humanity preached and sometimes practiced. Fela says, simply: 'Who no know go know!'.

ZACape Town, South Africa
In operation since: 


Ntone Edjabe
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 10 Jun 2014