Aluta Humbane


Aluta Humbane is a composer, producer, musician, photographer and curator - from Durban, South Africa. She is also an LGBTIQ+ activist/advocate, playwright and media production company owner.

Humbane has worked at the Playhouse Company in Durban as a resident vocalist for 6 years, which launched her career and saw her sharing stages with the likes of the late Mamu Busi Mhlongo, Sfiso Ncwane, Judith Sephuma, Grammy award winners Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Vicky Sampson, Abigail Khubheka, Duma Ka Ndlovu, the late composer Mr Phelelani Mnomiya, Sindy Nene, Somizi Mhlongo, KZN Philharmonic Orchestra to mention a few.

Her career saw her touring with Africa Umoja which she later resumed her academic studies towards a Diploma in Jazz & Popular music at the UKZN School of music.

She currently holds a BA Degree in Drama & Performance Studies and Media, Culture & Communications from Howard College; and a postgraduate cirtificate in Education majoring in performing arts.
She has a teaching background as she has worked as a Drama Teacher - and has consulted for various organisations in the arts in South Africa and Beyond.

She has worked with - and toured New York, US alongside Visual Activist Professor Sir Zanele Muholi in a collaborative initiative which saw her performing in historical venues such as Schomberg Centre, Stonewall Inn, Bronx Museum, Harlem and Plaza Hotel in Manhattan in 2017. And recently performed at Harvard School of African Studies alongside Berkeley's finest pianist Witness Matlou. Her recent performances has been in Mozambique and the great 'Nou Le Morne Festival' in Mauritius.

She is a key activist on issues of GBV, Hate Crimes and LGBTIQA+ activism.
In 2018 on valentines day, she released a provocative music single titled 'Nami Ngithanda Indoda' Which created a lot of conversation on the politics of same sex. And gender non conforming bodies.
In 2020 she released another single titled 'Amaqhawe' which honors everyday unsung heroes that have contributed towards advancing human rights for all.

Her music is inspired by her spirituality. And is rooted is socio-political reflection. She believes herself an advocate of change - and through the years has been instrumental in achieving changes in the LGBTIQA+ narrative.


Aluta Humbane's picture

Aluta Humbane added 3 new videos

Aluta Humbane - Amaqhawe and Band Jaming Live at the 'Le Morne Festival'
Aluta Humbane - Faces and Phases live in Mauritius 'Le Morne Festival'
Aluta Humbane - Nami Ngithanda Indoda live at the 'Le Morne Festival'
Aluta Humbane's picture

Aluta Humbane added a new video

Aluta Humbane Productions Live Stream


Aluta Humbane - Nami Ngithanda Indoda live at the 'Le Morne Festival'
Aluta Humbane - Amaqhawe and Band Jaming Live at the 'Le Morne Festival'
Aluta Humbane - Faces and Phases live in Mauritius 'Le Morne Festival'
Dj Papzin Ft Aluta Humbane - Tattooed (Official Audio)
Dj Papzin Ft Aluta Humbane - Tattooed (Promo Vid)
Dj Papzin Ft Aluta Humbane - Tattooed. (Official Video)
My music, My Life
Voices Reloaded - Umjolo
Voices Reloaded - Umjolo
Voices Reloaded - Indlela Yokuphila nokwenza ngo kwe Isizulu Culture
Voices Reloaded - Umjolo
Voices Reloaded - Umjolo
Voices Reloaded - Umjolo
Voices with Aluta Humbane
Voices Reloaded
Perspectives on Gender Based Violence - Imibono Nge Gender Based Violence V2
Perspectives on Gender Based Violence - V1
AMANI Music Project Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa.
Aluta Humbane - Thobela Ulwandle
Aluta Humbane - The Revolution Ft Eye Knowledge
Aluta Humbane - Nami Ngithanda Indoda Live at Durban Playhouse
Aluta Humbane - Full Boomerang Live at Durban Playhouse
Aluta Humbane -Amaqhawe Live
Amaqhawe - Aluta Humbane Live Durban Pride 2019
Tabane Bami Ngonyuka nabo
Something Inside So Strong
Aluta Humbane Live at The Durban Playhouse, South Africa - Thobela Ulwandle
Aluta Humbane Live at the Durban Playhouse, South Africa - Boomerang Part 2
Aluta Humbane Live at Durban Playhouse, South Africa - Boomerang Part 1
Sound Check with my band
“Thobela Ulwandle” Aluta Humbane - Part 3
“Thobela Ulwandle” Aluta Humbane -Part 2
“Thobela Ulwandle” Aluta Humbane - Part 1
“Amaqhawe” Aluta Humbane - Part 3
“Amaqhawe” Aluta Humbane - Part 2
“Amaqhawe” Aluta Humbane - Part 1
Amaroto - Dj Sipkay Ft Aluta Humbane
Locally Endorsed Active - Gym Wear by House of Le' Ka Sfiso Gwala
Joocy Mavundla Live at Barrio ( Gateway) Part TWO
Joocy Mavundla Live at Barrio(Gateway) Part ONE
Journey To Greatness. COMING SOON!
Naima Kay Live
Total Praise - Aluta Humbane does wooden mic in the middle of rehearsal
Naima Kay, Joocy, Khaya Dladla live on Valentines.
Aluta And Nkulumo On Inanda 88 4 FM -
'Nami Ngithanda Indoda'Performance at Zanzibar
Aluta does John Legend at Fashion Cafe
Part 1 of 3 - Keeping it real with Aluta Humbane
Aluta Humbane Productions Live Stream


ZADurban, South Africa
In operation since: 


Aluta Humbane

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