St. Patrick’s Day


St. Patrick’s Day is an annual event held on 17 March around the world, including Malawi. The day features celebrations of all things Irish. The Irish Embassy participates and organises special events and uses the opportunity to promote its country.

They celebrate their country’s rich culture and heritage. It is in line with this background that country’s culture and heritage has influenced world literature, art and music. The event is a great chance for the Irish people in Malawi and any other place in the world to share their culture with others. This is important in countries where there's less awareness of Ireland. The staff at the embassy work to stage many cultural events around St. Patrick's Day thus drawing positive publicity on Irish culture.

The event is characterized with local and international acts and exciting special guest performances at night.

MWLilongwe, Malawi


St Patrick’s Day
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 04 Aug 2015