Goethe-Institut Rwanda


The Goethe-Institut is the Federal Republic of Germany's cultural institution, represented in over 80 countries worldwide. Since 2008 the Goethe-Institut is represented at Kigali in Rwanda with a Liaison Office.

The liaison office at Kigali is a non-profit making organization. The major role of the Goethe-Institut liaison office Kigali is to promote culture in Rwanda, to build up a network between culture organizations and institutions on the African continent and to foster the cultural ties between Rwanda and Germany by sharing information and exchanges between both cultures.

Goethe-Institut is famous in Rwanda for partnering with various music stakeholders to organize events, music and film concerts and promote music in general.

RWKigali, Rwanda
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Cultural Programmes
Profile ajoutée par In-house East Africa le 19 nov 2015