Lusaka Play House


Founded on 9 June 1958, Lusaka Playhouse is a popular theater in the city where local performers organize shows such as music, comedy and drama. The club officially opened with an inaugural play ‘And So To Bed’ which was produced by Dorothy Martin. Former President Kenneth Kaunda, who once served as patron for the club led emerging black.

The economic decline that characterized the country spanning over two and a half decades did not spare the club as well as its mostly youthful membership. There was no support to the arts for a long time and this has impacted on both the theatre club’s performance and its infrastructure.

In August 2006, arrays of activities were in the offing to commemorate 50 years of existence of Lusaka Theatre Club.

ZMLusaka, Zambia


Lusaka Play House
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 18 jan 2016