Edward Sigei
Edward Sigei is the executive director of the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO).
KECOBO is a state corporation under the office of the Attorney General and the Department of Justice. It was established by section 3 of the Copyright Act 2001 and mandated with the administration and enforcement of copyright and related rights. The board is responsible for organizing legislation on copyright and related rights; conducting training programmes on copyright and related rights; enlightening and informing the public on matters related to copyright; licensing and supervising the activities of collective management societies; and maintaining an effective databank on authors and their works.
KECOBO is comprised of members drawn from both the public and private sectors. The members from the private sector are nominated by associations representing software, producers of sound recordings, publishers, film distributors, performers, broadcasting stations, musicians and the audio-visual industry. There are four experts on copyright and related rights and five members who are alternates to the Attorney General, (Police Inspector General), Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Information, Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Sports, Culture and Arts, and the Permanent Secretary - Ministry of Finance.