Ndaka Yo Wiñi


Musician | Compose | Cultural Researcher

Ndaka Yo WIñi, an inescapable talent in the Angolan music scene.
With a career that began in 2011, Ndaka Yo Wiñi stands out for the difference in his career from the promotion of his mother tongue to traditional sonorities, extolling his ancestral influences by developing local records of ethnic music, his greatest influence.
With a career on the rise, today, he is one of the biggest voices of Angolan Afro Jazz.


Musician, Compose, Cultural Researcher, Ndaka Yo Wiñi was born on January 5, 1981 in the province of Benguela (Angola).
Ndaka Yo Wiñi, a name adopted by the family and emotional load that it carries, today is a continental reference of the Afro Jazz, transporting its listeners to a parallel world where the traditions are still well patented. A staunch defender of Angolan cultural values, Ndaka Yo Wiñi transports each of them in his lyrics.

His first basic contact with music was through attending traditional community ceremonies as a child, where he learned about the dances, rhythms and rituals that collectively make up an integral part of the Ovimbundo culture. Also known as the Southern Mbundu, the Ovimbundu are the largest ethnic group in Angola, making up 40% of the total population. While overwhelmingly Christian, some do still retain practices from African traditional religions.

Ndaka Yo Wiñi as an Ambassador of the Lundongo gener, this Angolan Jazz star is creating a musical legacy steeped in culture.

Ndaka Yo Wini, which means “Voice of the People”, as he studied all that he could find out about his cultural background (as well as delving into engineering studies in Thailand).

Olukwembo CD

Composed of 11 original musical themes from the composition of Ndaka Yo Wiñi, 'Olukwembo' is a singular work in the national market due to its traditional component allied to the contemporaneity of the compositions of the musician and the international producers and instrumentalists involved in its production.
His first album, Olukwembo, was released in August 2018, the result of four years of research into Angolan folklore, myth and most importantly music history.
He merges traditional rhythms with modern sounds of jazz, blues, reggae and folk, drawing on music from ethnolinguistic groups such as the Ovimbundu, Kwanhama, Kilapanga and Tchianda for inspiration.

Cape Town International Jazz Festival 2019

Ndaka Yo Wiñi was featured at the International Jazz Festival in South Africa. The Organization wrote about the Musician:

“Ancestral Rhythms from a Cradle for Jazz.

Africa’s grandest gathering would not live up to its name if it didn’t feature artists from the rest of the continent on the line-up. This year, the Cape Town international Jazz Festival will see Ndaka Yo Wini on stage”.


Portrait de Ndaka Yo Wiñi

Ndaka Yo Wiñi a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

Dive into the soul of Angola with Ndaka Yo Wiñi, September 8 at Afrofest Ottawa.
Portrait de Ndaka Yo Wiñi

Ndaka Yo Wiñi a ajouté 4 nouvelles vidéos

Ndaka Yo Wiñi - Vakaile
Ohele - Ndaka Yo Wiñi
Portrait de Ndaka Yo Wiñi

Ndaka Yo Wiñi a ajouté un nouveau morceau

Track artwork
Ndaka Yo Wini
Portrait de Ndaka Yo Wiñi

Ndaka Yo Wiñi a ajouté une nouvelle vidéo

NDAKA YO WIÑI - NDIKALIKENDA | CapeTown InternationalJazz Festival


Track artwork
Ndaka Yo Wini
Track artwork
Ndaka Yo Wiñi
Track artwork
Ndaka Yo Wiñi


Dive into the soul of Angola with Ndaka Yo Wiñi, September 8 at Afrofest Ottawa.
NDAKA YO WIÑI - NDIKALIKENDA | CapeTown InternationalJazz Festival
Ohele - Ndaka Yo Wiñi
Ndaka Yo Wiñi - Vakaile


AOLuanda, Angola
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+1 (717) 714 - 1197
+244 935 782 011
Mwana Afrika

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