Pan African Society for Music Arts Education (PASMAE)


PASMAE is an African organization that promotes Musical arts education throughout Africa. Formed in 2000 in Harare, Zimbabwe as the Pan African Society for Music Education. The Name changed in 2001 in Lusaka,Zambia to Pan Africa Society for Musical Arts Education (PASMAE) signifying the integrated nature of music, dance and theatre in Africa. PASMAE is a non-profit Society and a representative arm of ISME in Africa.

PASMAE derives its authority from its membership, who empowers the Society to act on their behalf in advocacy, coordinating and advisory roles in matters concerning Musical Arts Education and its practice in Africa. It is furthermore bolstered by its status as an ISME affiliate, and in turn by ISME’s position relative to the International Music Council (IMC) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

UGKampala, Uganda
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Benon Kigozi
Profile ajoutée par Stanley Gazemba le 09 Feb 2015