Realm of Mist
Realm of mist is becoming synonymous with the production of death metal and heavy metal music in Kenya. Our goal is to be dedicated to working with musicians to advance the creativity of local music through recording and music production. In 2016 we took an art form that is typically only feasible to produce abroad and produced it in Kenya to critical acclaim (see band: The Seeds of Datura). We do not posses a million dollar’s worth of gear and we don’t outsource any of our work abroad. Our modus operandi is intensive learning and collaboration. Operating as a membership/residency model we have been able to challenge and learn together with the best young minds - artists driven by passion to break new ground with their projects. Thanks to support from some forward thinking companies in Germany we have been breaking the bounds of [lack of access to] technology and [learning of] music production and audio engineering.
We teach each other to advance our skills. Rather than limit access to equipment and technology based on a pay grade we grant complete access to all our equipment and technology and we teach the participants to become self-sufficient music producers and audio engineers in their own right.
Although it functions as a studio, Realm of Mist does not undertake any commercial production whatsoever as an enterprise. It is an entirely cooperatively run space where artists work and learn.
Membership is only granted on a residency basis after the artist's/engineer's proposal has been presented to the board. Residents are then expected to volunteer their time and some resources to the maintenance and improvement of the space.
The residency includes room and board.
We host a rehearsal space complete with Pearl Export Drumkit, guitars & bass; 2 full music production suites with 2 NI Maschines, an Akai MPK 49 midi keyboard interface; a mastering suite with outboard gear. We posses microphones for all types of audio capture and measurement, including ribbon and a full set of Beyerdynamic TG percussion mics. Our cables are high-end Cordial snow and we feature live analog monitoring between live and control room.
Our format of tutelage is: Logic Pro, Tracktion, Maschine