

Velemseni is a female guitarist and vocalist from Swaziland. Her roots are firmly planted in the Kingdom of Swaziland. Her music reflects an aesthetic of jazz, rock and neo soul elements. She realized she had a talent while on stage and decided to join the school choir. Her church background had a major influence on her sound.

She debuted the music scene with an album called ‘We Are All People’, released in 2012. The album showcased her soothing clear vocals and strong musicality. She dropped the album before her trip to the U.S. The album was launched at BATEF Art Studios in Mbabane. The project features 11 tracks including ‘Utawubuya Nini’, ‘Ungatsandzeleleni?’, ‘Lilanga’, ‘Angel Kisses’, ‘Hey Mamma’, ‘Hang on World’, ‘Fly’, ‘Where’, ‘Mpenzi Wewe’, and the title track ‘We Are All People’. The project was produced by David F from France, Martin Berauer from Austria and Bholoja himself. Berauer had to come to Swaziland to do some of the work but the final completion was done in France.

In 2015, Swaziland’s annual jazz festival that is sponsored by First National Bank invited her to perform at the PSPF rooftop on 28 November 2015.

Velemseni has worked with Bholoja as his back-up artist, from the beginning of her music career. She then branched out to focus on her own music with the assistance of Ngubane, who pulled all stops to make sure that the recording of her first album album was a success.


Track artwork
the future paradise
Velemseni :Ungitsandzeleni
Track artwork
The Sun Will Rise (Come Alive Malagwane)
Track artwork
the future paradise
Velemseni : Uto buy anini
SZManzini, Swaziland


Velemseni Artist
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 04 avr 2016