Black Nature Band


The Black Nature Band was established in San Francisco by Black Nature of the Sierra Leone Refugee All Stars band. The band includes a diverse group of musicians from San Francisco, San Diego, Brazil and Hawaii.

This band has been performing as both an opening act and as a headlining act in various venues throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, such as the Independent, Kimo’s, Grant and Green, the Bissap Baobab, Amnesia, the Rockit-it Room, 50 Mason, the Boom Boom Room, Moe’s Alley, the Mardi Gras San Francisco Style Festival 2012, Santa Clara University and several other local schools and non-profit agencies. These performances were well received by various audiences. The band also appeared on the KSCU Radio Station, KPOO Radio Station and the African Channel.

Band members are:
Black Nature - Lead Vocals/Drums
Nathan Link - Guitar
Mike Rollins -Bass
Isaac Ho - Keyboard
Jeremy Hoenig - Drums

SLFreetown, Sierra Leone
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Black Nature Band
Profile ajoutée par IfeOluwa Nihinlola le 20 mar 2017