Wusate Birhan Adera Music training center


usate Berhan Abera Music Training Centre for Visually Impaired is an Ethiopian music education centre that offers an accredited diploma for music education. The centre was established in April 2001. To date over 40 young men and women have graduated from the institution with diplomas and most of them have since been recruited to various government and non-governmental organizations. The institution offers training on kirar, masinko, traditional drums and playing in bands.

Wusate Berhan Abera, Music training center is the very first in it’s kind and the only music center for youth with visual impairment in Ethiopia. It is also the very first one giving vocational training opportunities to people with visual impairment at the diploma level.

ETAddis Ababa, Ethiopia
In operation since: 


Asrat Tilahun
Profile added by In-house East Africa on 21 Apr 2016