Busara Promotions

Busara Promotions is registered as an NGO in Zanzibar since 2003. Its vision is for “a vibrant East African music industry, prominent on the world stage”. Busara Promotions’ mission is “to increase visibility and accessibility for African music, develop skills and opportunities in the music sector, and strengthen regional and international networking and partnerships, thereby contributing to East Africa’s social, cultural, and economic development”. Its aims are as outlined in its Strategic Plan for 2014-2019: creating platforms for live African music; increasing visibility for African music; training and capacity-building for music sector professionals; and strengthening Networking and partnerships.

Busara Promotions’ annual flagship event is Sauti za Busara festival, held in Zanzibar during February. Whilst bringing diverse audiences together and building appreciation for East African music, Sauti za Busara contributes to the growth and professionalisation of East Africa’s creative sector; provides learning, exchange and employment opportunities; and brings a huge boost every year for the local economy.

For more information, visit www.busaramusic.org or www.facebook.com/sautizabusara